ISO 10303-232-2002 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第232部分:应用协议.技术数据包装核心信息和交换

百检网 2021-07-14
标准号:ISO 10303-232-2002
英文标准名称:Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 232: Application protocol: Technical data packaging core information and exchange
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO 10303 specifies the use of the integrated resources necessary for the scope andinformation requirements for Technical Data Packages (TDPs) (see 3.5.28) to be exchanged among productdata management systems.Each enterprise uses content, format, and the level of configuration control as parameters when establishingits product exchange or access requirements among business partners. Because of the diverse set ofproducts, product data, and lifecycle processes PDM systems support, this part of ISO 10303 allows manycombinations of these parameters and their values.Using a defined set of these parameters, the disclosure of product information needs to be sufficient tosatisfy the business purpose of the TDP.NOTE 1 TDPs may be prepared to a level where the product information is sufficient to evaluate a productdefinition concept. Or a TDP may be prepared to a level where the product information is sufficient to enable fulldesign disclosure (see 3.5.9).Requirements for this part of ISO 10303 were derived from functions that create and use TDPs and residethroughout the product’s life cycle. The key informational aspects addressed in this part of ISO 10303 areshared and exchanged throughout the product’s life cycle.NOTE 2 Within a product's life cycle, there are many functions that create and use the technical informationabout a product. Figure 3 illustrates the functional usage of technical data within each life cycle phase of aproduct. The largest percentage of the technical data is developed in the concept development, concept andvalidation, and product and process development lifecycle phases. The operations and support lifecycle phase, formost products or commodities, is the longest and is impacted the greatest by the quality and usability of the TDPinformation. The production lifecycle phase typically has the second largest usage of the information containedwithin the TDP. In the production and product process development lifecycle phase, TDP data is used to build anddeliver the product.NOTE 3 The application activity model in annex F provides a graphical representation of the processes andinformation flows that are the basis for the definition of the scope of this part of ISO 10303.






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