BS EN 15603-2008 建筑的能量性能.全部能量的使用和能量额定值的定义

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:BS EN 15603-2008
英文标准名称:Energy performance of buildings - Overall energy use and definition of energy ratings
发布日期:2008/9/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/9/30 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 15193;EN 15217;EN 15232-2007;EN 15241;EN 15243;EN 15316;EN ISO 7345-1995;EN ISO 12569;EN ISO 13789;EN ISO 13790
适用范围:The purpose of the standard is to:a) collate results from other standards that calculate energy use for specific services within a building;b) account for energy generated in the building, some of which may be exported for use elsewhere;c) present a summary of the overall energy use of the building in tabular form;d) provide energy ratings based on primary energy, carbon dioxide emission or other parameters defined by national energy policy;e) establish general principles for the calculation of primary energy factors and carbon emission coefficients.This standard defines the energy services to be taken into account for setting energy performance ratings for planned and existing buildings, and provides for this:f) method to compute the standard calculated energy rating, a standard energy use that does not dependon occupant behaviour, actual weather and other actual (environment or indoor) conditions;g) method to assess the measured energy rating, based on the delivered and exported energy;h) methodology to improve confidence in the building calculation model by comparison with actual energyuse;i) method to assess the energy effectiveness of possible improvements.This European standard is applicable to a part of a building (e.g. flat), a whole building, or several buildings.It is up to national bodies to define under which conditions, for which purposes and for which types of buildings the various ratings apply.This standard handles the energy performance of a building as a whole. The assessment of the energyperformance of specific technical building systems is handled in the appropriate part of EN 15241, EN 15243 and EN 15316 series.






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