IEC 62539-2007 电气绝缘击穿数据的统计分析用指南

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:IEC 62539-2007
英文标准名称:Guide for the statistical analysis of electrical insulation breakdown data
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ASTM D 149-97a-2004;BS 2918-2;IEC 60243 series
适用范围:Electrical insulation systems and materials may be tested using constant stress tests in which times to breakdownare measured for a number of test specimens, and progressive stress tests in which breakdownvoltages may be measured. In either case, it will be found that a different result is obtained for each specimenand that, for given test conditions, the data obtained may be represented by a statistical distribution.This guide describes, with examples, statistical methods to analyze such data.The purpose of this guide is to define statistical methods to analyze times to breakdown and breakdownvoltage data obtained from electrical testing of solid insulating materials, for purposes includingcharacterization of the system, comparison with another insulator system, and prediction of the probabilityof breakdown at given times or voltages.Methods are given for analyzing complete data sets and also censored data sets in which not all the specimensbroke down. The guide includes methods, with examples, for determining whether the data is a goodfit to the distribution, graphical and computer-based techniques for estimating the most likely parameters ofthe distribution, computer-based techniques for estimating statistical confidence intervals, and techniquesfor comparing data sets and some case studies. The methods of analysis are fully described for the Weibulldistribution. Some methods are also presented for the Gumbel and lognormal distributions. All the examplesof computer-based techniques used in this guide may be downloaded from the following web site “” Methods to ascertain the short time withstand voltage or operatingvoltage of an insulation system are not presented in this guide. Mathematical techniques contained inthis guide may not apply directly to the estimation of equipment life.






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