DIN EN 14236-2008 超声波家用煤气表

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:DIN EN 14236-2008
英文标准名称:Ultrasonic domestic gas meters; English version of DIN EN 14236:2008-06
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/6/1 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 60079-0-2004;EN 60079-10;prEN 60079-11;EN 60079-15;EN 60086-1;EN 60086-4;EN 60529;EN 60695-11-5;EN 60707;EN 60730-1-2000;EN 61000-4-2;EN 61000-4-3;EN 61000-4-8;EN 61000-4-9;EN 61000-6-1;EN 61000-6-2;EN 62056-21-2002;EN ISO 2409;EN ISO 2812-1-1994;EN IS
适用范围:This European Standard specifies requirements and tests for the construction, performance andsafety of class 1,0 and class 1,5 battery powered ultrasonic gas meters (hereinafter referred to asmeters), having co-axial single pipe, or two pipe connections, used to measure volumes of distributedfuel gases of the second and/or third family, as given in EN 437, at maximum working pressures notexceeding 0,5bar1) and maximum actual flow rates of up to 10 m3/h over a minimum ambienttemperature range of -10 ~C to +40 ~C, and minimum gas temperature span of 40 K, for domesticapplications. This European Standard applies to meters where the measuring element and theregister(s) are enclosed in the same case.This European Standard applies to meters with and without built-in temperature conversion, that areinstalled in locations with vibration and shocks of Iow significance and in-- closed locations (indoor or outdoor with protection as specified by the manufacturer) with condensing or with non-condensing humidity or, if specified by the manufacturer, open locations (outdoor without any covering) with condensing humidity or with non-condensing humidityand in locations with electromagnetic disturbances.Unless otherwise stated, all pressures given in this European Standard are gauge pressures.When more than one meter type is submitted for testing, then each meter type is required to be testedagainst this European Standard.Clauses 1 to 15 and Annex C are for design and type testing only.NOTE See Annex A for production requirements.






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