BS EN 61466-1-1997 标称电压超过1000 V的架空线用复合绝缘子串组合件.标准强度等级和接头配件
百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:BS EN 61466-1-1997
中文标准名称:标称电压超过1000 V的架空线用复合绝缘子串组合件.标准强度等级和接头配件
英文标准名称:Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V. Standard strength classes and end fittings
发布日期:1997/7/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1997/7/15 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 120-1984;IEC 471-1977;IEC 1109-1992
适用范围:This part of IEC 61466 is applicable to compositestring insulator units for a.c. overhead lines with anominal voltage greater than 1 000 V and afrequency not greater than 100 Hz.It also applies to insulators of similar design used insubstations or on electric traction lines.This standard applies to string insulator units ofcomposite type with ball, socket, tongue, clevis,Y-clevis or eye couplings, or a combination thereof.The object of this standard is to prescribe specifiedvalues for the mechanical characteristics of thecomposite string insulator units and define themain dimensions of the couplings to be used on thecomposite string insulator units in order to permitthe assembly of insulators or fittings supplied bydifferent manufacturers and to allow, wheneverpractical, interchangeability with existinginstallations.It also defines a standard designation system forcomposite string insulator units.NOTE 1 General definitions and methods of testing are given inIEC 1109.NOTE 2 Only the dimensions necessary for assembly of thecouplings are dealt with in this International Standard.Properties of material and working loads are not specified. Theco-ordination of dimensions of the end-fittings with the strengthclasses is specified in Clause 7.
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