MS 1432-1998

百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:MS 1432-1998
发布日期:1998/1/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard sets out the essential elements for the management of complaints from inception to satisfaction or final determination, as the case may be, irrespective of the nature of the complaint or the size of the organisation receiving the complaint. It further provides guidelines for the implementation of a complaints handling process.Section 2 contains the essential elements while Section 3 contains implementation guidelines, and it is recognised that smaller organisations may need to use this Section selectively. Section 4 details complaint handling guidelines and Section 5 deals with disputes .This standard is for all large or small organisations. However, application of the elements in some cases will be different for small organisations and the standard needs to be applied with the requisite degree of discretion to ensure that it is appropriate in the circumstances.For example, the collection of data on complaints need only be rudimentary for small businesses, involving for instance, some form of manual collection and classification. Such a process, despite its simplicity can still highlight systemic problem areas which require remedial action.However, some issues covered in this standard such as commitment, fairness, responsiveness, charges and remedies apply, regardless of the size of the enterprise.The importance of this standard as it relates to small business is that it provides a yardstick which can be used to design a complaints handling process for their particular circumstances.






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