ISO/TR 27609-2007 手持工具的振动.研磨机振动测量方法.系列试验评估
百检网 2021-07-17
标准号:ISO/TR 27609-2007
英文标准名称:Vibration in hand-held tools — Vibration
measurement methods for grinders —
Evaluation of round-robin test
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Report presents an evaluation of a round-robin test of vibration measurement methods fordetermining vibration in hand-held grinders. The aim of the round-robin test was to establish a test methodthat could meet the requirement of ISO 20643 for measurement of vibration emissions in three directions, foraccordance with the planned-to-be-revised ISO 8662-4.The value obtained by such a test method must correspond to the highest vibration values likely to occurunder typical and normal working conditions of the machine, i.e. the upper quartile of the vibration in real use.This acknowledges that the upper boundary of “typical and normal” conditions can be exceeded by someconditions of “real use”.Vibration at grinding can mainly be divided into vibration caused by unbalance of the grinding wheel andprocess vibration generated by the contact between the grinding wheel and the work piece. The unbalancepart has been shown to be the greater of the two and ISO 8662-4 is based on this. In this Technical Report,the test method consists of a number of averaged measurements using an unbalance disc, with an unbalancecorresponding to the upper limit of the unbalances found among real grinding wheels.Whereas ISO 8662-4 covers all types of hand-held grinders, the round-robin test presented in this TechnicalReport was based on grinding with depressed centre-wheels, one of the most common grinding applications.
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