TZS 62 Pt.1-1980 坦桑尼亚标准.未硬结混凝土的取样方法
百检网 2021-07-22
标准号:TZS 62 Pt.1-1980
英文标准名称:Tanzania Standard Concrete —Part 1:Method of sampling fresh concrete
发布日期:1980/8/19 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Tanzania Standard specifies the methods to be used on site for obtaining representative samples of the re-quired size from batch of fresh concrete. It specifies the number of increments to be taken to form a sample under normal conditions and where a check on the accu-racy of sampling is required. Where such a check is required on the accuracy of regular sampling it also specifies the procedure to be adopted for determining the number of increments necessary to achieve an ade-quately representative sample and the frequency of taking samples in order to achleve a period average of a desired accuracy.It also specifies the procedure for mixing and sampling fresh concrete in the laboratory, where accurate control of the quantities of materials and of test conditions is possible. The method is especially applicable to the making of preliminary tests to ascertain the suitability of available materials or to determine suitable mix pro-portions.
5、自助下单 快递免费上门取样;