BS EN ISO 15181-4-2008 涂料和清漆.防污涂料中生物杀灭剂释放率的测定.萃取物中吡啶三苯基硼烷(PTPB)浓度的测定和释放率的计算
百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:BS EN ISO 15181-4-2008
英文标准名称:Paints and varnishes -Part 4: Determination of release rate of biocides from antifouling paints - Determination of pyridine-triphenylborane (PTPB) concentration in the extract and calculation of the release rate
发布日期:2008/9/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/9/30 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 3696;ISO 15181-1-2007;ASTM D 6442-06
适用范围:This part of ISO 15181 specifies the apparatus and analytical method for determining the amount of pyridinetriphenylborane(PTPB) that has been released from an antifouling paint into artificial seawater in accordancewith the procedure given in ISO 15181-1. It determines the PTPB concentration in the artificial seawaterextract and gives the final calculation for the release rate of PTPB under the specified laboratory conditions.This part of ISO 15181 is designed to allow the concurrent determination of PTPB and other biocides that canbe released by a given antifouling paint (for example zineb) through the analysis of separate sub-samples ofan artificial seawater extract generated in accordance with the procedure given in ISO 15181-1.When used in conjunction with ISO 15181-1, the practical limits on the quantitative measurement of releaserates by this method are from 1,8 μg⋅cm−2⋅d−1 to 500 μg⋅cm−2⋅d−1. The quantitative measurement of releaserates below this range will require the concentration step described in the last paragraph in 8.2 or the use ofan analytical method with a limit of quantitation for PTPB in artificial seawater which is lower than the limitspecified in Clause 3 and in 5.1.
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