BS PD 6695-2-2008 关于要求符合BS EN 1993的桥梁的设计建议
百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:BS PD 6695-2-2008
中文标准名称:关于要求符合BS EN 1993的桥梁的设计建议
英文标准名称:Recommendations for
the design of bridges to
BS EN 1993
发布日期:2008/7/1 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/7/1 12:00:00
国际标准分类号:91.100.01; 93.040
适用范围:This Published Document contains non contradictory complementaryinformation and additional guidance for use in the UK withBS EN 1993-2, BS EN 1993-1-5, BS EN 1993-1-7, BS EN 1993-1-8 andtheir UK National Annexes in the design of components of steel bridges.This document only covers bridges which are executed in accordancewith BS EN 1090-2.The information in this document relates only to static design of steelbridges covering slenderness parameters, buckling and bendingresistance of diaphragms, bridge restraints and a few other selectedtopics. In some circumstances it may also be appropriate to the steelelements of composite bridges but such use needs to take full accountof BS EN 1994.This Published Document does not cover the detailing of componentsfor seismic design or the design of parapets, safety fences and otherancillary items. It also does not fully cover cable-supported bridges inrespect of strength and stiffness of cables, testing, etc., for whichdesigners can refer to BS EN 1993-1-11. Guidance on fatigue and brittlefracture resistance on these can be obtained from PD 6695-1-9 andPD 6695-1-10 respectively.
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