BS EN 1568-4-2008 灭火介质.泡沫浓缩物.用于水不溶液体表面的低度膨胀泡沫浓缩物的规范
百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:BS EN 1568-4-2008
英文标准名称:Fire extinguishing
media — Foam
concentrates —
Part 4: Specification for low expansion
foam concentrates for surface
application to water-miscible liquids
发布日期:2008/3/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/3/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN ISO 3104;EN ISO 3219;EN ISO 3696;ISO 304;ISO 3310-1
适用范围:This document specifies requirements for chemical and physical properties, and minimum performancerequirements of low expansion foams suitable for surface application to water-miscible liquids.Requirements are also given for marking.IMPORTANT — In this part of the document, the fire performance is tested using acetone andisopropanol as the fuel, which also forms the basis for the performance classification.However, there are a large number of water-miscible liquids, which have more or less differentproperties to acetone and isopropanol. It has been shown by tests using other fuels that theperformance of various foams can differ considerably. Examples of such fuel is Methyl EthylKetone (MEK). It is therefore essential that the user checks for any unfavourable orunacceptable loss of efficiency when the foam is used against fires in any other water-misciblefuels than acetone and isopropanol resepectively. The fire test conditions and procedure givenin J.2 can be used in order to achieve results comparative with acetone and isopropanolresepectively and related requirements.It is also essential for the user to note, that other fuel depths and methods of application than thosespecified in I.2, can cause considerable loss of efficiency and these matters should be carefullyconsidered by the user when assessing the suitability for particular applications.
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