BS EN ISO 12967-2-2011 健康信息学.服务体系结构.信息视角
百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:BS EN ISO 12967-2-2011
英文标准名称:Health informatics. Service architecture. Information viewpoint
发布日期:2011/4/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/4/30 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO/IEC 11404-2007;ISO 12967-1-2009;ISO 12967-3-2009
适用范围:This part of ISO 12967 specifies the fundamental characteristics of the information model to be implementedby a specific architectural layer (i.e. the middleware) of the information system to provide a comprehensiveand integrated storage of the common enterprise data and to support the fundamental business processes ofthe healthcare organization, as defined in ISO 12967-1.The information model is specified without any explicit or implicit assumption on the physical technologies,tools or solutions to be adopted for its physical implementation in the various target scenarios. Thespecification is nevertheless formal, complete and non-ambiguous enough to allow implementers to derive anefficient design of the system in the specific technological environment that will be selected for the physicalimplementation.This specification does not aim at representing a fixed, complete, specification of all possible data that can benecessary for any requirement of any healthcare enterprise. It specifies only a set of characteristics, in termsof overall organization and individual information objects, identified as fundamental and common to allhealthcare organizations, and that is satisfied by the information model implemented by the middleware.Preserving consistency with the provisions of this part of ISO 12967, physical implementations allowextensions to the standard information model in order to support additional and local requirements. Extensionsinclude both the definition of additional attributes in the objects of the standard model, and the implementationof entirely new objects.Also this standard specification is extensible over time according to the evolution of the applicablestandardization initiatives.The specification of extensions is carried out according to the methodology defined in ISO 12967-1:2009,Clause 7, “Methodology for extensions”.
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