ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 15938-6-2003 信息技术.多媒体内容描述接口.第6部分:参考软件
百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 15938-6-2003
英文标准名称:Information technology - Multimedia content description interface - Part 6: Reference software
发布日期:2003/7/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard operates on and generates conformant bit streams. This International Standardprovides a specific implementation that behaves in a conformant manner. In general, other implementationsthat conform to ISO/IEC 15938 are possible that do not necessarily use the algorithms or the programmingtechniques of the reference software.The software contained in this part of ISO/IEC 15938 is known as experimentation software (XM) and isdivided into five categories:a) Binary format for MPEG-7 (BiM). This software converts DDL (XML) based descriptions to the Binaryformat of MPEG-7 and vice versa as explained in Clause 5 of this document.b) DDL parser and DDL validation parser. The components of this software module are specified inClause 6 of this document.c) Visual descriptors. This software creates standard visual descriptions from associated (visual) mediacontent as explained in Clause 7 of this document. The techniques used for extracting descriptors areinformative, and the quality and complexity of these extraction tools has not been optimized.d) Audio descriptors. This software creates standard descriptions from associated (audio) media contentas explained in Clause 8 of this document. The techniques used for extracting descriptors are informative,and the quality and complexity of these extraction tools has not been optimized.e) Multimedia description schemes. This software modules provide standard descriptions of MultimediaDescription Schemes as specified in Clause 9 of this document.
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