ISO 14813-1-2007 智能运输系统(ITS).智能运输系统信息地区参考模型总体结构.第1部分:ITS业务区域、业务组和业务
百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:ISO 14813-1-2007
英文标准名称:Intelligent transport systems - Reference model architecture(s) for the ITS sector - Part 1: ITS service domains, service groups and services
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard provides a definition of the primary services and application areas that can beprovided to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Users. Those with a common purpose can be collectedtogether in ITS service domains, and within these there can be a number of ITS service groups for particularparts of the domain. This International Standard identifies 11 service domains, within which numerous groupsare then defined. Within this framework, there are varying levels of detail related to definition of differentservices. These details differ from nation to nation, depending on whether the specific national architecturebuilding blocks are based directly upon services or on groups of functions. Thus, the intent is to addressgroups of services and the respective domains within which they fit. As these domains and service groupsevolve over time, it is intended that this International Standard be revised to include them.This International Standard is applicable to the working groups of ISO TC 204 and other TCs which aredeveloping International Standards for the ITS sector and associated sectors whose boundaries cross into theITS sector (such as some aspects of urban light railways, intermodal freight and fleet). This InternationalStandard is designed to provide information and explanation to those developing ITS International Standardsand to those developing specifications, implementations and deployments for ITS.This International Standard is advisory and informative. It is designed to assist the integration of services intoa cohesive reference architecture, assist interoperability and common data definition. Specifically, servicesdefined within the service groups will be the basis for definition of use cases and the resultant referencearchitecture functionality, along with definition of applicable data within data dictionaries, as well as applicablecommunications and data exchange standards.
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