DIN EN ISO 22827-2-2006 Nd:YAG激光射线焊接机器的加速试验.带光纤传送的机器.第2部分:移动装置(ISO 22827-2-2005).德文版本 EN ISO 22827-2
百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:DIN EN ISO 22827-2-2006
中文标准名称:Nd:YAG激光射线焊接机器的加速试验.带光纤传送的机器.第2部分:移动装置(ISO 22827-2-2005).德文版本 EN ISO 22827-2-2005
英文标准名称:Acceptance tests for Nd:YAG laser beam welding machines - Machines with optical fibre delivery - Part 2: Moving mechanism (ISO 22827-2:2005); English version of DIN EN ISO 22827-2:2006-02
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 230-2;ISO 15616-2-2003;ISO/TS 17477-2003
适用范围:This part of ISO 22827 covers acceptance testing of equipment for 2D manipulation and also, to some extent,movements along the Z-axis.NOTE Welding robots and similar 3D equipment for manipulation are covered by other standards. notably ISO 9283.This part of ISO 22827 specifies two methods for the testing of the accuracy of the moving mechanism. Thefirst method (type 1 test) provides a test method capable of classification of the moving mechanism rigorouslyaccording to the required accuracy. The second method (type 2 test) provides a simpler method for testing themoving mechanism by marking. The selection of the test method is optional. However, for large-size laserbeam welding machines, such as a laser beam welding machine using 2D moving optics or an X-Y table, thetype 2 test is applicable.This part of ISO 22827 is not applicable for welding cells with manual positioning of the welding head and/orthe component, and for fixed-position welding without the moving mechanism.The requirements can also be applied as a part of verification testing as part of maintenance, as appropriate.If modifications are made to a laser beam machine (rebuilding, repairs, modifications to the operatingconditions, etc.) that have an effect on the acceptance testing, a repeat test may be necessary to cover themachine parameters affected by such modifications.NOTE The beam generating system, the optical delivery system and the devices for shielding and assist gasses arecovered in ISO 22827-1.This part of ISO 22827 can be applied to a part of the acceptance conditions for the delivery of the laser beamwelding machine.
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