SIS SS-EN 10 020-1989 等级钢的定义和分类
百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:SIS SS-EN 10 020-1989
英文标准名称:Definition and classification of grades of steel
发布日期:1989/1/25 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard defines the term 'steeP (clause 3) and classifies steel grades into;- non alloy and alloy steels by chemical composition (clause 4)- main quality classes (clause 5) defined by main property or application characteristics for non alloy and alloy steels (see annex A and B)Note Technical Committees responsible for steel quality standards shall classify each grade in those standards as non alloy or alloy as defined in clause 4 and into one of the main quality classes defined in clause 5 of this European Standard, and indicate this classification in the text of each standard. If the requirements specified in a quality standard are not compatible with the criteria of clause 5 to th extent that there are doubts about the allocauon of gades to quality classes the Technical Committee responsible for EN 10 020 shall advise as to their classification. If the Technical Committee responsible for the quality standard disputes the advice the matter shall be resolved by the ECISS Coordinating Commission (COCOR).The classification given in the quality standard applies automatically regardless of the steel which is actually produced provided that the chemical composition complies with the requirement of the standard concerned.
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