DIN EN ISO 11846-2008 金属和合金的腐蚀.可溶解热处理的铝合金抗颗粒间腐蚀的测定
百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:DIN EN ISO 11846-2008
英文标准名称:Corrosion of metals and alloys - Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of solution heat-treatable aluminium alloys (ISO 11846:1995); German version EN ISO 11846:2008
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 3696-1987;ISO 8044-1989;ISO 8407-1991
适用范围: 1.1 This International Standard specifies the meth- ods of integranular corrosion testing for solution heat-treatable aluminium alloys without protectivecoatings.The sensitivity of solution heat-treatable aluminiumalloys to intergranular corrosion is a function of thealJoy chemical composition, method of manufacturing,solution heat treatment, quench treatment and arti-ficial precipitation hardening (ageing) treatment.In the naturally aged condition, the sensitivity of sol-ution heat-treatable aluminium alloys to intergranularcorrosion is a function primarily of the rate of coolingduring quenching over a critical temperature range.1.2 This International Standard is applicable to castand wrought heat-treatable atuminium alloys in theform of castings, forgings, plates, sheets, extrusionsand semi-finished or finished parts, in order to carryout comparative assessment of alloys of differentgrades and thickness depending on their chemicalcomposition and other factors, and also to check thethermal processing quality of the tested materials.The test results provide information to determine theintergranular corrosion resistance and thermal pro-cessing quality of the tested materials.1.3 The test results cannot be regarded as absolute,because they are not applicable to all environmentsthat can be met in service. They are best used m arelative manner, to compare the intergranular cor-rosion resistance of various heats of solution heat-treatable aluminium alloys.
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