SIS SS 424 14 24-1980 电力电缆.额定电压1至24千伏的载流能力电缆
百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:SIS SS 424 14 24-1980
英文标准名称:Power cables — Current carrying capacities for cables with rated voltage 1 to 24 kV
发布日期:1980/5/20 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard indicates how cables with rated voltage of 1 up to 24 kV and designed according to SEN in force may be loaded with current under different conditions.The table values are applicable to alternating current of power frequency. The values for three-core cables with concentric neutral conductor are applicable to unloaded neutral conductor or when the effect of the current in the neutral conductor is compensated by a reduction of the current in one or several of the phase conductors. The values are not applicable to cables with maximum allowed current in the phase conductors simultaneous-ly as the neutral conductor is loaded with a current caused by harmonics in the system. The values for three-core cables also apply to four-core cables when the fourth conductor is used as an unloaded neutral conductor.Cables in single-phase systems installed, flat with open screen circuits can be loaded with the values given for single-core cables.The table values can also be used for direct current. The values for open screen circuits shall be used for single-core cables.
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