SIS SS-ENV 41 101-1987 信息系统互连.局域网.在CSMA/CD单一局域网中使用无连接模式的网络服务提供了OSI连接模式传输服务
百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:SIS SS-ENV 41 101-1987
英文标准名称:Information systems interconnection - Local area networks - Provision of the OSI connection-mode transport service using connectionless-mode network service on a CSMA/CD single LAN
发布日期:1987/5/20 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Functional Standard defines the provision of the OSI connection-mode transport service between two end systems connected to a CSMA/CD LAN. The use of this prof i le is restricted to a single LAN.A system that supports only the protocol set for layers 1 to 4 specified in this Functional Standard does not satisfy the conformity requirements for the transport layer defined in ISO/DIS 8073, nor does it satisfy the conformity requirements for the network layer defined in ISO/DIS 8473.This Functional Standard specifies a set of protocols, termed a prof i le, to provide the function defined above. It does not specify total system capability. In particular a system may operate this prof i le and at the same time engage in other Communications ?ver the medium to which it is connected. The requirements placed on a system in this Functional Standard are solely those necessary for operation of the protocol set specified.Note: Both Functional Standards ENV 41 101 and ENV 41 102 can be appliedto single LAN environments. Preference should be given to ENV 41 102 in suchcases where extensibility of a configuration is to be envisaged.
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