BS EN ISO 12020-2000 水的质量.铝的测定.原子吸收光谱法
百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS EN ISO 12020-2000
英文标准名称:Water quality - Determination of aluminium - Atomic absorption spectrometric methods
发布日期:2000/4/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2000/4/15 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard describes two atomic absorption spectrometric (AAS) methods for the determination of aluminium in water.
1 Flame AAS
The flame AAS method (clause 2) is applicable for the determination of aluminium in water in mass concentrations from 5 mg/l to 100 mg/l. Higher concentrations may be determined after an appropriate dilution of the sample. Careful evaporation of the sample, acidified with nitric acid, may be used to extend the working range of the method to lower concentrations as long as no precipitation is observed.
NOTE - If the linear range of the instrument is sufficiently large, concentrations < 5 mg/l may be determined with this method; otherwise the determination needs to be carried out in the graphite furnace, as described in clause 3.
If the determination of the total content of aluminium is required, a digestion of the sample according to 2.5.3 is necessary. Silicates and aluminium oxide compounds may, however, not be quantitatively determined with this digestion procedure.
2 Graphite furnace
The graphite furnace AAS method (clause 3) is applicable for the determination of aluminium in waters and waste waters in mass concentrations from 10 μg/l to 100 μg/l applying a dosing volume of 20 μl. The working range can be shifted to higher concentrations either by dilution of the sample or by using a smaller sample volume.
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