BS EN 61010-031-2002+A1-2008 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全性要求.电气测量和试验用手持探测器组件的安全性要求

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS EN 61010-031-2002+A1-2008
英文标准名称:Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test
发布日期:2002/3/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2002/3/15 12:00:00
国际标准分类号:19.080; 11.080.10; 71.040.20
引用标准:IEC 60027;IEC 60060;IEC 60417;IEC 60529;IEC 60664-3;ISO 7000
适用范围:This part of IEC 61010 applies to hand-held and hand-manipulated PROBE ASSEMBLIES of thetypes described below, and related accessories which are intended for professional, industrialprocess, and educational use. These PROBE ASSEMBLIES are for use in the interface between anelectrical phenomenon and test or measurement equipment. They may be fixed to theequipment or be detachable accessories for the equipment.a) Low-voltage and high-voltage, non-attenuating PROBE ASSEMBLIES (type A). Non-attenuatingPROBE ASSEMBLIES that are RATED for direct connection to voltages exceeding 33 V r.m.s. or46,7 V peak or 70 V d.c., but not exceeding 63 kV. They do not incorporate activecomponents, nor are they intended to provide a voltage divider function or a signalconditioning function, but they may contain passive non-attenuating components such asfuses.b) High-voltage attenuating or divider PROBE ASSEMBLIES (type B). Attenuating or dividerPROBE ASSEMBLIES that are RATED for direct connection to secondary voltages exceeding1 kV but not exceeding 63 kV. The divider function may be carried out wholly within thePROBE ASSEMBLY, or partly within the test or measurement equipment to be used with thePROBE ASSEMBLY.c) Low-voltage attenuating or divider PROBE ASSEMBLIES (type C). Attenuating, divider or othersignal conditioning PROBE ASSEMBLIES for direct connection to voltages exceeding 33 Vr.m.s or 46,7 V peak or 70 V d.c., but not exceeding 1 kV r.m.s. or 1,5 kV d.c. The signalconditioning function may be carried out wholly within the PROBE ASSEMBLY, or partly withinthe test or measurement equipment intended to be used with the PROBE ASSEMBLY.Low-voltage attenuating and non-attenuating PROBE ASSEMBLIES (type D), that are RATEDfor direct connection only to voltages not exceeding 33 V r.m.s., or 46,7 V peak, or70 V d.c., and are suitable for currents exceeding 8 A.






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