BS EN 50160-2010 公用配电网供电的电压特性
百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS EN 50160-2010
英文标准名称:Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks
发布日期:2010/8/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/8/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 60664-1-2007;EN 61000-3-3-2008;EN 61000-4-30-2009;IEC/TR 61000-2-8-2002;IEC/TR 61000-3-7-2008;IEC 60364-5-53-2001
适用范围:This European Standard defines, describes and specifies the main characteristics of the voltage at anetwork user's supply terminals in public low voltage, medium and high voltage AC electricity networksunder normal operating conditions. This standard describes the limits or values within which the voltagecharacteristics can be expected to remain at any supply terminal in public European electricity networksand does not describe the average situation usually experienced by an individual network user.NOTE 1 For the definitions of low, medium and high voltage see 3 (Definitions).This European Standard does not apply under abnormal operating conditions, including the following:a) a temporary supply arrangement to keep network users supplied during conditions arising as a resultof a fault, maintenance and construction work, or to minimize the extent and duration of a loss ofsupply;b) in the case of non-compliance of a network user's installation or equipment with the relevantstandards or with the technical requirements for connection, established either by the publicauthorities or the network operator, including the limits for the emission of conducted disturbances;NOTE 2 A network user’s installation may include load and generation.c) in exceptional situations, in particular,1) exceptional weather conditions and other natural disasters;2) third party interference;3) acts by public authorities;4) industrial actions (subject to legal requirements);5) force majeure;6) power shortages resulting from external events.The voltage characteristics given in this standard are not intended to be used as electromagneticcompatibility (EMC) levels or user emission limits for conducted disturbances in public electricitynetworks.The voltage characteristics given in this standard are not intended to be used to specify requirements inequipment product standards and in installation standards.NOTE 3 The performance of equipment might be impaired if it is subjected to supply conditions which are notspecified in the equipment product standard.This standard may be superseded in total or in part by the terms of a contract between the individualnetwork user and the network operator.NOTE 4 The sharing of complaint management and problem mitigation costs between the involved parties isoutside the scope of EN 50160.Measurement methods to be applied in this standard are described in EN 61000-4-30.
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