BS 8903-2010 采购业务可持续性原则和框架.指南

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS 8903-2010
英文标准名称:Principles and framework for procuring sustainably.Guide
发布日期:2010/8/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/8/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance onhow to adopt and embed sustainable procurement principles andpractices across an organization and its respective supply chains andprovides practical information to support implementation. It includesguidance on measurement to help organizations assess the extent andeffectiveness of their sustainable procurement activity.The principles set out in this guide are applicable to both public andprivate sector organizations. However, public sector buyers complywith EU Procurement Directives [1][2] (and the Regulations thatimplement them in the UK [3] [4]). The EU has requirements withregard to public procurement and what can be considered throughoutthe qualification, tender and contracting process. It is advisable thatproper legal advice always be sought. This guide provides informationwhich is likely to be useful to public procurement but it ought tobe read in conjunction with the latest Directives, Regulations and government policy. The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) alsoprovides guidance for public sector buyers.NOTE See Annex A for further information and reference material.This British Standard gives detailed guidance across all stages of theprocurement process and is applicable:? to individuals and small and large organizations responsible forcommissioning or procuring any form of goods, works or servicesregardless of sector, for own use, resale or to support serviceprovision;? across the public sector, private sector and third sector;? across the whole procurement cycle including one?time purchasesto ongoing contracts with long?term supplier partners;? to individuals and organizations with sole responsibility fortheir purchasing needs and third parties contracted to provideoutsourced procurement solutions.






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