DIN EN 61970-403-2009 能量消耗监控系统应用程序接口(EMS-API).第403部分:通用数据存取

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:DIN EN 61970-403-2009
英文标准名称:Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 403: Generic data access (IEC 61970-403:2008); English version EN 61970-403:2008
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/1/1 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 61970-1;IEC 61970-2;IEC 61970-401;IEC 61970-402;OMG, Utility Management System Data Access Facility, document formal/2002-11-08
适用范围:This International Standard provides a generic request/reply-oriented data access mechanism forapplications from independent suppliers to access CIM data in combination withIEC 61970-402: Common Services. An application is expected to use the Generic Data Access(GDA) service as part of an initialisation process or an occasional information synchronization step.GDA is generic in that it can be used by an application to access any CIM data. GDA is also genericin that it also provides a back end storage mechanism independent query capability that can beused to facilitate the creation of CIM data warehouses.This specification provides a simple, concise service that meets the functionality requirements ofcurrent and future applications while: tl~ avoiding unnecessary complexity;~ not requiring any specific database technology for implementation.This service is designed to support interaction where the application or system requestinginformation is developed, supplied, maintained, or operated by a separate agency from theapplication supplying the data. Furthermore, the update portion of this service assumes that it isundesirable for one system to directly write into another1). To support these objectives, the GDAcapabilities are divided into three categories:a) read access;b) update access;c) change notification events.It should be noted that the update portion of this service does not support unconditional access tocritical real-time data. Rather, the update portion allows a requesting application to ask for data tobe changed in a service provider, but the service provider is under no obligation to carry out thatchange at any particular time. Furthermore, a positive response from the update service does not ~indicate that the update has occurred, but only that the service provider has successfully received Ithe request and that the request is syntactically and semantically correct.GDA could be classified as an Enterprise Information Integration (Ell) technology adapterspecialized to the power industry via the assumed use of the CIM. There are a number of Ellproducts currently available on the market, but there is no accepted cross-platform standard forwriting connectors for these products and overall these products do not take full advantage of acommon semantic model such as the CIM. In recommending GDA, WG 13 is recommending astandard Ell connector model in the form of a simpler, less expensive, and more specializedinterface.






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