ISO/IEC 16500-4-1999 信息技术 通用数字音频-可视系统 第4部分:低层协议和物理接口

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:ISO/IEC 16500-4-1999
中文标准名称:信息技术 通用数字音频-可视系统 第4部分:低层协议和物理接口
英文标准名称:Information technology - Generic digital audio-visual systems - Part 4: Lower-layer protocols and physical interfaces
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO/IEC 16500 provides a toolbox consisting of lower layer protocols and physical interfaces. Eachtool is applicable at one or more of the reference points within the delivery system. The physical delivery mediathat have been identified for this version of ISO/IEC 16500-4 are copper pairs, coaxial cable, microwave, fiberand satellite. Removable information carrying physical media (e.g. optical discs and tapes) are not covered. Thetools listed address the three parts of the delivery system, namely, the core network, the access network and theaccess-network-independent interface to the Set Top Unit (STU). Tools are also identified for the STU dataportinterface and for a service provider system (SPS) internal network and an SPS/SPS core network.Clause 6 specifies in detail the tools provided to digitize the physical media in the core network. In the case of abroadband core network, all these tools support high speed ATM transport. Clause 7 specifies in detail the toolsprovided to digitize the physical media in the access network (copper pairs, coax, satellite, microwave, fiber). Allthese tools support high speed MPEG-2-TS transport and/or high speed ATM transport. Clause 8 concerns theaccess-network-independent interface to the STU and provides a detailed specification of the physical interfacesbetween the network interface unit (NIU) and the STU. This physical interface can be internal or external to theSet Top Box (STB) and is independent from the physical interface used in the access network. It supports thetransport of MPEG-2-TS and ATM between NIU and STU. Clause 9 concerns the STU dataport interface andspecifies the physical interfaces used to connect an STB to various peripheral devices. It defines normative STUmultimedia dataport tools and interfaces and also includes informative specifications for both PC and paralleldataports. These interfaces support the transport of MPEG-2-TS or IP. Clause 10 defines the physical interfacesfor interconnections between cascaded SPS entities with or without an intervening core network and the physicalinterfaces for networks used to connect various hosts within an SPS.






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