ISO/IEC GUIDE 98-4-2012 测量的不确定性. 第4部分: 合格评定中不确定性的测量作用
百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:ISO/IEC GUIDE 98-4-2012
中文标准名称:测量的不确定性. 第4部分: 合格评定中不确定性的测量作用
英文标准名称:Uncertainty of measurement.Part 4: Role of measurement uncertainty
in conformity assessment
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:JCGM 100-2008;JCGM 101-2008;JCGM 102-2011;JCGM 200-2012;ISO/IEC 17000-2004;ISO 3534-1-2006;ISO 3534-2-2006
适用范围:This document provides guidance and procedures for assessing the conformity of an item (entity, object or system) with specified requirements. The item might be, for example, a gauge block, a grocery scale or a blood sample. The procedures can be applied where the following conditions exist:-the item is distinguished by a single scalar quantity (see 3.2.1) (a measurable property) dened to a level of detail sufficient to be reasonably represented by an essentially unique true value;NOTE The GUM provides a rationale for not using the term 'true', but it will be used in this document when there is otherwise a possibility of ambiguity or confusion.-an interval of permissible values of the property is specified by one or two tolerance limits;-the property can be measured and the measurement result (see 3.2.5) expressed in a manner consistent with the principles of the GUM, so that knowledge of the value of the property can be reasonably described by (a) a probability density function (see 3.1.3) (PDF), (b) a distribution function (see 3.1.2), (c) numerical approximations to such functions, or (d) a best estimate, together with a coverage interval and an associated coverage probability.
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