ASTM A239-2014
英文名称:Standard Practice for Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles,
原文名称:Standard Practice for Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles,
范 围:This practice is designed to locate the thinnest portions of the zinc coating on newly coated items (see Appendix X1). Variations in coating thickness can be due to the process by which the zinc is applied (hot dipped, electroplated, or sprayed) or by the geometry of the part that is coated. During hot-dip galvanizing, the coating thickness is affected by the drainage pattern of the molten zinc, while during zinc spraying (metallizing), coating thickness can be dependent on the operator's manipulation of the spray nozzle. The geometry of the part can also influence coating thickness especially during hot-dip galvanizing, where peaks and valleys on the part can cause molten zinc to build up or thin out. This practice is designed to identify those areas of the part where the coating is thin.
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