
百检网 2021-12-06
标准介绍: 日本玩具工业已经建立了安全标准,其针对的是为14岁及以下儿童设计的玩具。虽然参与ST标识系统是自愿性的,但是目前几乎所有的为14岁及以下儿童设计的玩具都具有ST标识 符合日本玩具协会采用的《日本玩具安全标准》的玩具和游戏器具可以在其产品的标签上显示ST标识。为了获得使用ST标识的资质,制造商或者进口商需要先和玩具协会签署一份使用ST标识的协议,然后提交用于向指定的测试机构进行安全标准符合性测试的样品。 涵盖范围: Driven Toys 驱动玩具 Scientific toys 科学玩具 Handicraft toys (e.g. easy-to-build models) provided they are intended specifically for children 儿童特定手工玩具 (例如, 易于制作的模型) Toys used in the garden (e.g. swings) 花园用玩具(例如:秋千) Toy sport equipment 玩具运动设施 Aquatic toys 水上玩具 Bath toys 沐浴玩具 Inflatable vinyl toys intended to be used on the surface of water 水面上使用的乙烯基充气玩具 Christmas articles 圣诞用品 Straps for mobile phones 手机带 Video toys / games connected to television sets 连接电视的视频玩具 / 游戏机 Toys used in combination with designated toys (e.g., rails for a toy train set; toy ball & bat). 指定玩具中的组合玩具 (例如:玩具火车中的铁轨;玩具球 & 球拍) Accessory toys (e.g. earrings, necklace, pendant, brooch, bracelet, ring, anklet) 饰物玩具(例如:耳环,项链,吊坠,胸针,手镯,戒指,脚镯) 适用对象 该标准适用于14岁及以下儿童使用的玩具 测试项目 a. 物理机械性测试:物理机械性测试要求范围与EN71大致相同,具体可以参考欧洲EN71标准介绍。注意:只是要求的管控范围大致相同,具体测试细节(如拉力大小等)会有所不同,详情可联系Intertek的专业人士。 b. 燃烧性能测试:该项测试与EN71的要求大致相同,可参考欧洲EN71玩具标准的燃烧性能测试。 c. 化学测试要求: Clause no. Category 种类 Test items 测试项目 1.1 Toys intended for children of 14 years old and under 设计给14岁及以下儿童使用的玩具 Coloring matters 染料 1.2 Materials which are mainly composed of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or Acetyl cellulose 主要由聚氯乙烯(PVC)或醋酸纤维素组成的材料 Consumption of Potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾消耗量 Residue on evaporation 蒸发残杂 Heavy metal 重金属 Arsenic 砷 Cadmium 镉 Materials which are mainly composed of Polyethylene (PE) 主要由聚乙烯(PE)组成的材料 Consumption of Potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾消耗量 Residue on evaporation 蒸发残杂 Heavy metal 重金属 Arsenic 砷 1.3 Decalcomania, folded paper and rubber made toy (excluding rubber pacifiers) Heavy metal Arsenic 1.4 Vinyl chloride resin coating Consumption of Potassium permanganate Residue on evaporation Lead Cadmium Arsenic 1.5 Paint coating directly applied to the body or the components of toys (excluding the printing ink used for paper containers). Soluble heavy metals: 8 elements 1.6 Textile products used for toys Free formaldehyde 1.7 Soap bubble solution Surface active agent Fluorescent brightener Heavy metals Volume of soap bubble solution 1.8 Ink and the like used for the graphic instruments that are provided with the toys such as pencils, ball-points, pens, markers, crayons, pastels, water colors, chalks etc. Soluble heavy metals: 8 elements 1.9 Synthetic resin mainly composed of Polyvinyl chloride (including those used for paint coating) Effective after September 1, 2009 主要由聚氯乙烯组成的合成树脂 (含那些用于油漆涂层的) 2009年9月1日后生效 PVC, for which DEHP, DBP, or BBP is used as raw material, shall not be used for toys 含DEHP, DBP, 和 BBP为原材料的聚氯乙烯,不能用于玩具中 PVC, for which DINP, DIDP or DNOP is used as raw material, shall not be used for toys that are intended to come into contact with the mouth, and toys intended for children under 3 years of age 含DINP, DIDP和DNOP为原材料的聚氯乙烯,不能用于设计给嘴接触的玩具及供3岁以下儿童使用的玩具 Pacifiers and teething rings shall not use synthetic resin containing PVC as raw material 安抚奶嘴和出牙器环不能使用含PVC为原材料的合成树脂 1.10 Rubber pacifiers 橡皮奶嘴 Cadmium content 镉含量 Lead content 铅含量 Phenol 苯酚 Formaldehyde 甲醛 Zinc 锌 Heavy metal 重金属 Residue on evaporation 蒸发残杂 1.11 Metals used for toys (neither painted nor covered), and fit in the small part cylinder 玩具中使用的金属 (未上漆未覆盖),并且能放进小部件圆筒






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