ASME PTC 50-2002 燃料电池电源系统性能

百检网 2021-07-14
标准号:ASME PTC 50-2002
英文标准名称:Fuel cell power systems performance
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Code applies to all fuel cell power systems regardless of the electrical power output, thermal output, fuel cell type, fuel type, or system application. Fuel cell power systems contain an assembly of electrochemical cells, which oxidize a fuel to generate direct current electricity. Balance-of-plant subsystems may include controls, thermal anagement, a fuel processor and a power conditioner. Some fuel cell power systems may contain additional power generating equipment such as steam generators, gas turbine generators, or micro-turbine generators. The net power output and all the fuel input to the system shall be taken into account in the performance test calculations. This Code applies to the performance of overall fuel cell power systems. The Code addresses combined heat and power systems, that is, the generation of electricity and usable heat at specific thermal conditions. It does not address the performance of specific subsystems nor does it apply to energy storage systems, such as regenerative fuel cells or batteries. It also does not address emissions, reliability, safety issues, or endurance. This Code contains methods and procedures for conducting and reporting fuel cell system testing, including instrumentation to be used, testing techniques, and methods for calculating and reporting results. The Code defines the test boundary for fuel and oxidant input, secondary energy input and net electrical and thermal energy output. At these boundaries, this Code provides procedures for measuring temperature, pressure, input fuel flow and composition, electrical power, and thermal output. The Code provides procedures for determination of electrical efficiency or heat rate and overall thermal effectiveness at rated or any other steady-state condition. The Code also provides the method to correct results from the test to reference conditions.






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