ISO/TS 21547-2010 健康信息学.电子健康记录的存档用安全要求.原理
百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:ISO/TS 21547-2010
英文标准名称:Health informatics - Security requirements for archiving of electronic health records - Principles
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO/IEC 13888;ISO 14721;ISO 15489-1;ISO/TR 15489-2;ISO/IEC 17799;ISO/TS 18308;ISO/TR 18492;ISO/TR 21548;ISO/TS 22600-1;ISO/TS 22600-2;ISO 23081-1;ISO 27799;EN 13606
适用范围:The purpose of this Technical Specification is to define the basic principles needed to securely preservehealth records in any format for the long term. It concentrates on previously documented healthcare-specificarchiving problems. It also gives a brief introduction to general archiving principles. Unlike the traditionalapproach to standardization work, where the perspective is that of modelling, code sets and messages, thisTechnical Specification looks at archiving from the angle of document management and related privacyprotection. The document management angle has traditionally been used in connection with patient records inpaper form and it can also be applied to digitally stored documents. There are different architectural andtechnical ways to develop and implement long-term preservation of electronic health records. Archiving can bea function of the online record-keeping system, and we can have a separate independent archive or afederated one. Electronic health records are, in many cases, archived in the form of documents, but othertechnical solutions also exist.In this Technical Specification archiving is understood to be a wider process than just the permanentpreservation of selected records. Archiving of EHRs is a holistic process covering records maintenance,retention, disclosure and destruction when the record is not in active use. Archiving also includes tasks theEHR system should perform before the record is sent to the EHR-archive.This Technical Specification defines architecture and technology-independent security requirements for thelong-term preservation of EHRs having fixed content.
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