BS EN 50325-5-2010 控制器装置接口用基于ISO 11898(CAN)标准的工业通信子系统.第5部分: 基于EN 50325-4标准的功能安全通信

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:BS EN 50325-5-2010
中文标准名称:控制器装置接口用基于ISO 11898(CAN)标准的工业通信子系统.第5部分: 基于EN 50325-4标准的功能安全通信
英文标准名称:Industrial communications subsystem based on ISO 11898 (CAN) for controller-device interfaces. Part 5: Functional safety communication based on EN 50325-4
发布日期:2010/9/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/9/30 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard specifies a safety-related communication layer (services and protocol) based onEN 50325-4.This European Standard applies to networks based on EN 50325-4 providing safety-related communicationcapabilities between devices in a safety-related system in accordance with the requirements of EN 61508series for functional safety. The services and protocols defined in this standard are intended to extend thosedefined in EN 50325-4. These services and protocols may be used in various applications such asmanufacturing, machinery, medical, mobile machinery and process control.NOTE 1 This European Standard does not cover the procedures for the safety-related configuration and for the safety-related setup ofsafety-related systems. The definition and implementation of such procedures depends on the kind of the safety-related system. Forexample flexible safety-related systems like operating theatres as found in medical systems require different procedures than for fixedsafety-related systems like cranes in the mobile machinery. This European Standard does not cover electrical safety, intrinsic safety andsecurity aspects. Electrical safety relates to hazards such as electrical shock. Intrinsic safety relates to hazards associated withpotentially explosive atmospheres. Security relates to enforcing policies to prevent changes in the safety-related system byunauthorized personnel.NOTE 2 The resulting safety integrity level claim of a system depends on the implementation of the services and protocols within thedevices and the system. The implementation of the services and protocols defined in this European Standard in a device is not sufficientto qualify the device as a safety-related device.






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