BS EN 60068-2-31-2008 环境试验.试验.试验Ec:粗处理冲击(主要用于设备型试样)

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:BS EN 60068-2-31-2008
英文标准名称:Environmental testing –– Part 2-31: Tests – Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens
发布日期:2009/1/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/1/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60068-2-27;IEC 60068-2-55-1987;IEC GUIDE 104;ISO 48-2007;ISO 4180-2-1980
适用范围:This part of IEC 60068 deals with a test procedure for simulating the effects of rough handlingshocks, primarily in equipment-type specimens, the effects of knocks, jolts and falls whichmay be received during repair work or rough handling in operational use.This procedure does not simulate the effects of impacts received during transportation asloosely constrained cargo. Where the effects of loose cargo transportation are to beassessed, test Ee: Bounce should be used. Also this procedure does not simulate the effectsof shock applied to installed equipments. Where this effect is to be assessed refer to test Ea:Shock.Testing should only be specified for equipment likely to receive such rough handling, forexample those of small to medium size and mass, and should only be applied to those facesand corners where there is a risk of such treatment being encountered.In general, equipment which is frequently handled and serviced (for example field equipmentand unit spares) can be considered at risk, whereas equipment forming an integral part of apermanent installation would not normally be considered at risk and need not be tested.Testing may not be applicable to fragile unprotected equipment of irregular shape (forexample aircraft nose radar) which, when removed from the installation would be contained ina handling frame or jig. It may however be applicable to these items of equipment when theyare in their transit case or in their handling frame or jig.For equipment which stands only on one face (for example the normal base) the test isgenerally only applied to that face.Shock tests are performed on the specimen when fixed to the test machine. Drop and topple,free fall, repeated free fall and bounce tests are performed with the specimen free.






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