DIN EN 61804-2-2007 加工控制用功能块(FB).第2部分:功能块概念的规范

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:DIN EN 61804-2-2007
英文标准名称:Function blocks (FB) for process control - Part 2: Specification of FB concept (IEC 61804-2:2006); German version EN 61804-2:2007, text in English
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/10/1 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60584-1;IEC 61131-3-2003;IEC 61158;IEC 61499-1-2005;IEC 61499-2-2005;IEC 61804-1-2003;ISO/IEC 7498-1-1994;ISO/IEC 9899;ISO/IEC 10646-1;IEC 60050-351-1998
适用范围:This part of IEC 61804 is applicable to Function Blocks (FB) for process controlThis standard specifies FB by using the result of harmonization work as regards several elements:a) the device model which defines the components of an IEC 61804-2 conformant device;b) conceptual specifications of FBs for measurement, actuation and processing. This includes general rules for the essential features to support control, whilst avoiding details which stop innovation as well as specialization for different industrial sectors.This standard defines a subset of the requirements of IEC 61804-1 (hereafter referred to as Part 1)only, while Part 1 describes requirements for a distributed system.The conformance statement in Annex B, which covers the conformance declaration, is related to thisstandard only. Requirements of Part 1 are not part of these conformance declarations.The standardization work for FB was carried out by harmonizing the description of concepts ofexisting technologies. It results in an abstract level that allowed the definition of the commonfeatures in a unique way. This abstract vision is called here the conceptual FB specification and mapped to specific communication systems and their accompanying definitions by the industrial groups. This standard is also based on the abstract definitions of IEC 61499-1. NOTE This standard can be mapped to ISO 15745-1. There are solutions on the market today, which fulfil the requirements of this standard and show how the conceptual specification is implemented in a given technology. New technologies will need to find equivalent solutions (see Figure 4).






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