ISO/IEC 24713-2-2008 信息技术.互用性和数据交换的生物统计学轮廓.第2部分:机场员工用物理访问控制

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:ISO/IEC 24713-2-2008
英文标准名称:Information technology - Biometric profiles for interoperability and data interchange - Part 2: Physical access control for employees at airports
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO/IEC 19784-1-2006;ISO/IEC 19785-1-2006;ISO/IEC 19785-3-2007;ISO/IEC 19794-2-2005;ISO/IEC 19794-3-2006;ISO/IEC 19794-4-2005;ISO/IEC 19794-5-2005;ISO/IEC 19794-6-2005;ISO/IEC 19794-7-2007;ISO/IEC 19794-8-2006;ISO/IEC 19794-9-2007;ISO/IEC 19794-10-2007;IS
适用范围:This part of ISO/IEC 24713 specifies the biometric profile including necessary parameters and interfaces between function modules (i.e. BioAPI based modules and an external interface) in support of token-based biometric identification and verification of employees, at local access points (i.e. doors or other controlled entrances) and across local boundaries within the defined area of control in an airport. The token is expectedto contain one or more biometric references.This part of ISO/IEC 24713 does not specify a complete Access Control System for deployment at access points within the secure area of an airport. It is assumed that such systems exist and that a biometric component that is the subject of this part of ISO/IEC 24713 is being added to an existing system. It therefore excludes such things as device features, and exception and incident reporting and handling. This information is contained in Annex C for information only.This part of ISO/IEC 24713 includes recommended practices for enrolment, watch list checking, duplicateissuance prevention, and verification of the identity of employees at airports. It also describes architecturesand business processes appropriate to the support of token-based identity management in the secureenvironment of an airport.It is recommended that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of biometric data be safeguarded in accordance with local, regional, or national policy considerations.This part of ISO/IEC 24713 does not preclude users building applications based on this part of ISO/IEC 24713 from being able to meet such privacy/data protection requirements as may apply to their application. The specification of privacy/data protection requirements that may apply is outside the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 24713.






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