ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2007 除低层住宅建筑物(包括附加物B、C、D、E、F、G、I和M)外新型建筑物的能量有效性设计

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2007
英文标准名称:Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings (Including Addenda B, C, D, E, F, G, I and M)
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:The Purpose of this standard (hereafter referred to as code) is to provide minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design of buildings except low-rise residential buildings. This code provides: (a) minimum energy-efficient equirements for the design and construction of;New buildings and their systems, New portions of buildings and thier systems, and New systems and equipment in existing buildings. (b) criteria for determining compliance with these requirements. The provisions of this code apply to: (a) the envelope of buildings provided that the enclosed spaces are: heated by a heating system whose output capacity is greater than or equal to 3.4 Btu//h ft -2 (10W/m-2), or cooled by a cooling system whose sensible output capacity is greater than or equal to 5 Btu/h ft-2 (15 W/m-2); (b) the following systems and equipment used in conjunction with buildings: heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, service water heating, electric power distribution and metering provisions, electric motors and belt drives, and lighting. The provisions of this code do not apply to: (a) single-family houses, multi-family structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes), and manufactured houses (modular), (b) buildings that do not use either electricity or fossil fuel, or (c) equipment and portions of building systems that use energy primarily to provide for industrial manufacturing or commercial processes.Where specifically noted in this code, certain buildings or elements of buildings shall be exempt. This code shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health or environmental requirements. The Power ISC represents a reduction of scope for Section 8, Power. Dropped from the section were requirements for electrical metering, harmonic losses, and transformers. Section 8 now consists of requirements for allowable voltage drop on feeder circuits and requirements for drawings and manual of the completed electrical system. Note: Independent Substantive Changes denote limited changes to the previous public review draft.






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