BS EN 1546-2-2000 识别卡系统.部门间电子钱包.保密性架构

百检网 2021-07-16
标准号:BS EN 1546-2-2000
英文标准名称:Identification card systems. Inter-sector electronic purse. Security architecture
发布日期:2000/1/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2000/1/15 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of EN 1546 defines the detailed security architecture for IEP systems as they are described in prEN 1546-1. It also describes the application protocols, the use of cryptographic algorithms and some underlying assumptions concerning the key management necessary to implement IEP systems with sufficient security levels. The general architecture described here allows many types of implementation. It should be noted that the informative annexes of this standard focus on particular implementations. As time progresses it is envisaged that other implementations may come into focus. The security architecture defines the security procedures needed at the application level of the IEP system transactions described in prEN 1546-1, A.5 and A.6. This architecture relies on the basic assumptions stated in prEN 1546-1, 1.4. Manual error recovery is outside the scope of this standard. Audit information needed for performing manual error recovery procedures is, however, covered by this standard. The description in this part of the standard is in the form of ordered exchanges of data between distinct conceptual devices. Operational instructions performed by these devices produce the required ordered exchanges. Examples of meanings of the required operational instructions are presented as mathematical formulae in informative annexes. The transactions in this part of the standard are described as functional requirements. They define the order of cryptographic proofs and verifications and their related data elements necessary to achieve security in an IEP system. An IEP system conforming to the security architecture defined in this part of EN 1546 may be implemented in physical devices using generally practised programming techniques. Optimization of computations and data exchanges which preserve the operational requirements of the ordered data exchanges may also be implemented. The data elements and interchanges defined in this part of EN 1546 primarily address security issues. In order to fulfil requirements of the IEP System other than security, further data elements and interchanges may be added. The detailed formats of data elements and interchanges between lEPs and devices are described in EN 1546-3 (Data elements and interchanges).






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