BS EN 61162-450-2011 海上航行和无线电通信设备及系统.数字接口.多传令员及多听众.以太网互连

百检网 2021-07-19
标准号:BS EN 61162-450-2011
英文标准名称:Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Digital interfaces. Multiple talkers and multiple listeners. Ethernet interconnection
发布日期:2011/8/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/8/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60825-2;IEC 60945;IEC 61162-1;IEEE 802.3;ISOC RFC 768;ISOC RFC 791;ISOC RFC 792;ISOC RFC 826;ISOC RFC 1918;ISOC RFC 2474;ISOC RFC 5000;ISOC RFC 5227;ISOC RFC 5424;NMEA 0183-2008
适用范围:This part of IEC 61162 specifies interface requirements and methods of test for high speedcommunication between shipboard navigation and radiocommunication equipment as well asbetween such systems and other ship systems that need to communicate with navigation andradio-communication equipment. This part of IEC 61162 is based on the application of anappropriate suite of existing international standards to provide a framework for implementingdata transfer between devices on a shipboard Ethernet network.This standard provides a higher speed and higher capacity alternative to the IEC 61162-1 andIEC 61162-2 standards while retaining these standards’ basic data format. This standardprovides a higher data capacity than IEC 61162-3.This standard specifies an Ethernet based bus type network where any listener may receivemessages from any sender with the following properties.• This standard includes provisions for multicast distribution of information formattedaccording to IEC 61162-1, for example position fixes and other measurements, as well asprovisions for transmission of general data blocks (binary image), for example betweenradar and VDR.• This standard is limited to protocols for equipment (Network nodes) connected to a singleEthernet network consisting only of OSI level one or two devices and cables (Networkinfrastructure).• This standard provides requirements only for equipment interfaces. By specifyingprotocols for transmission of IEC 61162-1 sentences and general binary image data theserequirements will guarantee interoperability between equipment implementing thisstandard as well as a certain level of safe behaviour of the equipment itself.• This standard permits equipment using other protocols than those specified in thisstandard to share a network infrastructure provided that it is supplied with interfaces whichsatisfy the requirements described for ONF (see 4.6).• This standard does not contain any system requirements other than the ones that can beinferred from the sum of individual equipment requirements. Thus, to ascertain systemproperties that cannot be derived from equipment requirements alone, additional analysisor standards will be required. In particular, this applies to requirements to maintain systemfunctionality in the face of a single point failure in equipment or networks. InformativeAnnex D contains guidance on how to address such issues.






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