BS EN 4660-003-2011 航空航天系列.模块化和开放式航空电子体系结构.通信/网络

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:BS EN 4660-003-2011
英文标准名称:Aerospace series. Modular and open avionics architectures. Communications/Network
发布日期:2011/3/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/3/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard details the functionality and principle interfaces for the ASAAC (Allied Standard AvionicsArchitecture Council) Network to ensure the interoperability of Common Functional Modules and designguidelines to assist in implementation of such a network. It is one of a set of standards that define an ASAACIntegrated Modular Avionics (IMA) System.The purpose of this standard is to establish by means of well defined interfaces and functionality, a networkdesign that is technology transparent, that is open to a multi-vendor market and that can make the best use ofCommercial Off The Shelf (COTS) technologies. Therefore, the associated data communication networktopology, protocols and technologies are not identified in this document. For these items the documentidentifies the issues that should be considered when defining a specific network implementation to support theASAAC architecture and provides guidelines to assist.Although the physical organisation and implementation of the network shall remain the System Designerschoice, in accordance with the best use of the current technology, it is necessary to define interfaces andparameter sets in order to achieve a logical definition of the network with a defined functionality. This definitionincludes:? The generic functionality applicable to all networks.? The logical interfaces to the Operating System and Module Support Layers.? The physical interfaces to the Common Functional Modules (CFM).The ASAAC Standards are intended to be independent of specific technologies, including networktechnologies. This document identifies the principle interfaces for the Network, in Clause 4, and whereappropriate, provides requirements on network parameters to be defined. The interfaces relevant to thenetwork are the Module Support Layer to Operating System (MOS), Module Physical Interface (MPI) andModule Logical Interface (MLI). The MOS and MPI are generically defined elsewhere (Standards for Softwaresee EN 4660-005 and Packaging see EN 4660-004). The MLI is clearly a function of the selected network.The MOS and MPI definitions are generic and will need to be supported by network specific information.There is no network-dependent information in the Software or Packaging standards. So a future networkspecification will not only define the particular MLI, but will also need to define the specific aspects of the MPI,topologies, system properties etc.






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