ISO 10303-223-2008 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第223部分:应用协议:铸件用设计和制造产品信息的交换

百检网 2021-07-20
标准号:ISO 10303-223-2008
英文标准名称:Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 223: Application protocol: Exchange of design and manufacturing product information for cast parts
发布日期:2008/4/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 286-1;ISO 286-2;ISO 1101;ISO 5459;ISO/IEC 8824-1;ISO 8062-1-2007;ISO 10303-1;ISO 10303-11-2004;ISO 10303-21-2002;ISO 10303-31;ISO 10303-41;ISO 10303-42;ISO 10303-43;ISO 10303-45;ISO 10303-47;ISO 10303-49;ISO 10303-224-2006;ISO 10303-238;ISO 10303-240-
适用范围:This part of ISO 10303 specifies the use of the integrated resources necessary for the scope andinformation requiremcnts for exchange, archiving and sharing of design and manufacturing productinformation (bt cast parts.NOTE I The application activity model, in Annex F, provides a graphical rcpresentation ol'the processes and information flowswhich are the basis for the definition of the scope of this part oflSO 10303.The following are within the scope of this part of ISO 10303:-- the manufacturing ora cast part made by sand, die, and investment casting processes;-- parts that are to be manufactured by casting processes;-- design data for cast parts, including geometry, materials, tolerances, required physical and mechanical properties, required tests;-- casting features for defining shapes necessary for casting processes;NOTE 2 The casting feature set is defined in this part oflSO 10303.-- manufacturing features for defining shapes necessary for machining processes;-- manufacturing features for defining shapes necessary for casting process; .... explicit representation of the 3D shape of casting features through bounded geometry representations;-- geometric and dimensional tolerances of the parts being manufactured; materials, and properties of the parts being manufactured;-- characterization of products used to make cast parts, including moulds, dies, equipment, materials, and consumable items; --- customer order administrative data to track receipt of all order for a cast part to thc shop lloor, but not including tracking of the order on the shop floor; approval data to authorize the manufacture of a cast part;-- requisition administrative data to identify, requirements and track the status of materials and equipment needed to manufacture a cast part;-- work order data to track and identify the status of a cast part;-- tracking the state of raw stock for documenting the manufacturing history of a cast part;-- tracking a design exception notice ora cast part;NOTE 3 The design exception notice relates to discrepancies in the lkatures used to describe a cast pan's shape.-- process plans for parts that are made by sand, die, and investment casting processes: process data 1hr part routing which includes manufacturing process and setup sequencing; process data for operation;-- work instructions for the tasks required to manufacture a cast part, which include: -- references to the resources required to perform the work; .... the sequences of the work instructions; - relationships of the work to the part geometry.;-- specifications for patterns and die assemblies;-- input to and output from casting process simulation software;-- data exchange between customer and foundry, within the foundry, and between foundry and supplier;-- use of data for lbundry automation and shop floor control;-- use of data fbr archiving of design and manufacturing data for cast parts.NOTE 4 Data supported by this part of IS() 10303 might need to be archivcd to meet legal and regulator, requirements, and tomeet quality objectives.






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