DIN ISO 281 Bb.3-2009 旋转轴承.动力荷载值和额定寿命.附录3:密闭工业齿轮装置中旋转轴承污染物因素各自污染等级的估计,DIN ISO 281英文版本.附录3:2009-07

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标准号:DIN ISO 281 Bb.3-2009
中文标准名称:旋转轴承.动力荷载值和额定寿命.附录3:密闭工业齿轮装置中旋转轴承污染物因素各自污染等级的估计,DIN ISO 281英文版本.附录3:2009-07
英文标准名称:Rolling bearings - Dynamic load ratings and rating life - Supplement 3: Estimating of the contamination factor respectively the contamination level for rolling bearings in closed industrial gear units; English version of DIN ISO 281 Supplement 3:2009-07
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This supplement applies for rolling bearings in oil-lubricated closed industrial gear units. It does not containany standardized specifications; instead, it describes informatively, using examples, how, in the modifiedrating life calculation for rolling bearings according to DIN ISO 281, the level of contamination of the lubricationor, in the modified reference life calculation according to ISO/TS 16281, the purity class of the oil can each beestimated as a function of measures to keep the gear units clean.The degree of contamination should be applied in connection with the procedure for the calculation of themodified rating life Lnm specified in DIN ISO 281 according to Table 13. The oil purity class should be used inconnection with the procedure for the calculation of the modified reference working life Lnm specified inISOFFS 16281 in accordance with DIN ISO 281, Figures A.1 to A.9.The following aspects are to be taken into consideration:-- Cleanliness of the interior of the gear unit and the internal components after gear assembly;-- Cleanliness of the lubricant circulation system;-- Cleanliness of the gear oil on initial filling and all later fillings;-- Screening of the interior of the gear unit, the bearings and the lubricant circulation system to prevent penetration by contaminants;-- Removal of friction particles from the oil during the gear running-in phase and later operation through oil filtering, particle separators and/or regular oil changes or oil cleaning.The more effort is made, from design through assembly, trial runs, installation, commissioning, running-inphase and operation to maintenance and repair, to keep the gear unit free from contaminants, the longer thelife of the rolling bearings can be expected to be.In particular, it is recommended that, if the gear unit is used in surroundings with a highly contaminating effect,the bearing points of the connection shafts are protected by special design measures against the penetrationof dirt particles. For further measures, see Clause 8.






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