ISO 6317-2008 商业和拉制性的热轧碳钢带
百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:ISO 6317-2008
英文标准名称:Hot-rolled carbon steel strip of commercial and drawing qualities
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 6892-1
适用范围:1.1 This International Standard specifies requirements for hot-rolled carbon steel strip of commercial anddrawing qualities.NOTE Steel strip that is to be subjected to subsequent rerolling is not covered by this International Standard.Hot-rolled steel strip is suitable for many applications where the presence of oxide or scale, or normal surfaceimperfections disclosed after removal of oxide or scale, are not objectionable. It is not suitable for applicationswhere the surface is of prime importance. This product is commonly rolled on a narrow strip mill.1.2 Commercial quality strip (HR1) is intended for general fabrication purposes where strip is used in theflat condition, or for bending, moderate forming and welding operations. It is commonly produced in the rangeof thicknesses 0,65 mm to 12 mm inclusive, and widths up to 600 mm exclusive, in coils and cut lengths.1.3 Drawing quality strip (HR2, HR3, HR4) is intended for drawing or severe forming, including welding. It iscommonly produced in the range of thicknesses 0,65 mm to 12 mm inclusive, and widths up to 600 mmexclusive, in coils and cut lengths. Drawing quality strip is furnished according to all the requirements of thisInternational Standard or, by agreement when ordered, to fabricate an identified part, in which case, themechanical properties in Table 2 do not apply. Specific drawing qualities are identified as follows:HR2 Drawing qualityHR3 Deep drawing qualityHR4 Deep drawing quality aluminum killed1.4 Hot-rolled steel strip can also be rolled on a wide continuous mill and slit into narrower coils. However, all attributes of the finished product meet the requirements of this International Standard.
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