ISO/TS 21268-4-2007 土质.土壤和土壤材料连续化学和毒物学测试的.第4部分:pH值对初始渗出酸/碱性添加物的影响

百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:ISO/TS 21268-4-2007
英文标准名称:Soil quality - Leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soil and soil materials - Part 4: Influence of pH on leaching with initial acid/base addition
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO/TS 21268 specifies a test method to obtain information on the short- and long-term leachingbehaviour and characteristic properties of materials.It applies to the determination of the influence of pH on the leachability of inorganic and organic constituentsfrom soil and soil material, and the ecotoxicological effects of eluates with respect to microorganisms, faunaand flora. The test is not suitable for constituents that are volatile under ambient conditions. The equilibriumcondition, as defined in this part of ISO/TS 21268, is established by the addition of predetermined amounts ofacid or base to reach desired final pH values.The test procedure specified in this part of ISO/TS 21268 produces eluates that are subsequentlycharacterized by physical, chemical and ecotoxicological standard methods.For the purposes of ecotoxicological tests, the relevant pH range (see 9.2) will usually be pH 5 to 9.NOTE 1 Volatile organic constituents include the low molecular weight components in mixtures such as mineral oil.NOTE 2 It is not always possible to optimize test conditions simultaneously for inorganic and organic constituents andoptimum test conditions may also vary between different groups of organic constituents. Test requirements for organicconstituents are generally more stringent than those for inorganic constituents. The test conditions suitable for measuringthe release of organic constituents will generally also be applicable to inorganic constituents.NOTE 3 For ecotoxicological testing, eluates representing the release of both inorganic and organic contaminants areneeded. In this document, ecotoxicological testing is meant to include genotoxicological testing.This test cannot be used alone to determine the total leaching behaviour of a soil. More leaching tests areneeded for that extended goal. This part of ISO/TS 21268 does not address issues related to health andsafety. It only determines the leaching properties outlined in Clause 5.






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