DIN 55672-3-2007 凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC).第3部分:用水作洗脱溶剂
百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:DIN 55672-3-2007
英文标准名称:Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) - Part 3: Water as elution solvent
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:DIN 50014;DIN 55672-1-2007;DIN 55672-2;DIN EN ISO 1513;DIN EN ISO 15528;DIN ISO 5725-1;DIN ISO 3696
适用范围:This standard describes the determination of the molecular weight distribution, number-average molecularweight Mn and weight-average molecular weight Mw of polymers that are soluble in water by gel permeationchromatography (GPC).This standard is applicable to neutral polymers and polyanions (e.g. polycarboxylates, polysaccharides,completely saponified polyvinyl alcohols and high-molecular polyethylene oxides). It is not applicable topolycations (e.g. polyvinytpyrrolidone, polyvinylpyridine, salts of poly(diallyI-N,N-dimethyl-azacyclopentane)and chitosane.It is possible that, in spite of the good solubility in the mobile phase and the good repeatability of thechromatograms obtained, this method cannot be used with certain polymer types because of specificinteractions, such as adsorption, within the sample/eluent/column combination (see also clause 12).The method is not an absolute one and requires calibration with commercially available unbranched pullulanstandards that have been characterized by independent absolute methods. The results for samples ofpolymers other than pullulan are therefore only comparable within groups of samples of the same type.The conditions specified in this standard are not suitable for the GPC analysis of polymer samples with Mwvalues greater than 10~6 g/mol (see Annex C).No correction methods (e.g. for the elimination of peak broadening) are included in this standard. If absolutemolecular weight values are required, an absolute method, e.g. membrane osmometry for Mn or lightscattering for Mw, shall be used.
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