ISO/IEC TR 19765-2007 信息技术.为改善老人和无能力人员使用信息技术产品对存取功能和设备影象和符号的调查

百检网 2021-07-31
标准号:ISO/IEC TR 19765-2007
英文标准名称:Information technology - Survey of icons and symbols that provide access to functions and facilities to improve the use of information technology products by the elderly and persons with disabilities
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:Different users of information technology products possess different sets of abilities. Some abilities may notever be present in a user as they may have been born without them. Some abilities are acquired, developedor deteriorate over time due to education, maturity, injury, illness or age. Just as it is possible that a userpossesses a combination of abilities, it is also possible that they may lack a combination of abilities.This Technical Report presents icons and symbols currently used to provide access to facilities and tools tosupport the needs of elderly and disabled users of information technology (IT) products, and could form thebasis of a future International Standard which would provide a recommended collection of icons and symbols.These icons and symbols have been collected from a variety of sources including other standards,contemporary software products, web sites and hardware devices. These sources are cross-referenced andlisted in the Bibliography.The icons and symbols presented here are categorized by modality and method of use.NOTE 1 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International ElectrotechnicalCommission) do not in any way endorse, recommend or dissuade the use of any of the icons and symbols presented inthis Technical Report.NOTE 2 The icon and symbol designs reproduced in this Technical Report remain the property of the source ownersand may not be directly copied into IT products without the permission of the source owners.






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