BS DD CEN/TS 14442-2003 邮政设施.邮件的自动处理.封面识别标记

百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:BS DD CEN/TS 14442-2003
英文标准名称:Postal services. Automated processing of mail items. Facing identification marks
发布日期:2003/4/9 12:00:00
实施日期:2003/4/9 12:00:00
引用标准:prEN 13619;ISO 1831-1980
适用范围:The purpose of this Technical Specification is to define a facing identification mark (FIM), with procedures for itsuse, which can be used by any postal operator. It is primarily addressed to those postal operators that have not yetimplemented the use of FIMs for automated facing and has been designed to minimise conflict with FIM marks thatare already in use. Nevertheless, operators with existing FIMs are encouraged to consider support for migration tothis Technical Specification as and when they upgrade or replace facing equipment.Use of the standard FIM offers the possibility for automated preparation of letters which do not carry a stamp andwhich arrive, in a postal facility, without being faced. These items can them be included in the domestic andinternational mechanised streams of mail.This Technical Specification allows facer-cancellers and culler-facer-cancellers (or other automated equipmentsupporting the mail preparation function), to detect bar code-type marks enabling those machines to face andcancel items carrying the FIM. Through the incorporation of a coded value, called the FIM-code, this TechnicalSpecification also supports segregation of FIM-marked items into up to 18 separate streams. This capability can beused to facilitate revenue control by allowing items to be segregated according the type of revenue controlprocedure required. For example, Business Reply items could be separated and allow accounting and cancellationto take place before, rather than after, the items are transported to their delivery office. This would simplify controlsdesigned to prevent the sending of business reply items to addresses in other countries. However, it should berecognized that FIMs have no in-built security and an item may carry an inappropriate FIM code, resulting in itbeing placed in the wrong processing stream. Hence, in particular, the FIM alone cannot be relied upon asproviding evidence of payment.The scope of this Technical Specification includes, but is not limited to:¾ postal services mail;¾ government mail;¾ franked mail5);¾ postcards and envelopes with pre-printed evidence of postage paid;¾ mail carrying automated teller machine (ATM) printed stamps;¾ business reply mail.This Technical Specification has been designed to be compatible with and may thus also be applied to internationalbusiness reply mail which is compliant with the UPU International Business Reply Service (IBRS).This Technical Specification may also be advantageously applied to items carrying digital postage marks (DPM’s)in accordance with UPU standards S28 and S25. Though the two symbologies supported by UPU standard S28(Data Matrix and PDF417) have characteristics which are easily recognised by image processing equipment andcan be used, as facing marks, by mail preparation equipment with an image processing capability, there maynevertheless be advantages in the use of a separate FIM. This would allow facing of the mail using inexpensiveequipment prior to its being processed by equipment with full image processing capability. The FIM could even beused to segregate mail carrying a DPM, avoiding the need to pass other mail through DPM-reading equipment.It could occur that the FIM is present on items that are already faced. In this case, the FIM is largely redundant, butcould still be used, if appropriate, for mail stream segregation purposes. Equally, customers may apply stamps toitems that carry a FIM, for example because (additional) postage has to be paid. In case an item carries both a FIMand a stamp, the stamp should normally be given priority.






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