BS EN 13490-2001+A1-2008 机械振动.工业货车.驾驶员座椅振动的实验室评定和规范

百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:BS EN 13490-2001+A1-2008
英文标准名称:Mechanical vibration - Industrial trucks - Laboratory evaluation and specification of operator seat vibration
发布日期:2002/1/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2002/1/15 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 30326-1-1994;EN ISO 8041;EN ISO 13090-1;ISO 2631-1-1997;ISO 5053-1987;ISO 5805-1997
适用范围:1.1 This European Standard is applicable to operator seats used on industrial trucks as defined inISO 5053:1987 irrespective of power supply, type of equipment, lifting mechanism and tyres. It also applies toseats for other trucks not covered by ISO 5053:1987, e.g. variable-reach trucks and lowlift order pickingtrucks.1.2 This European Standard specifies, in accordance with EN 30326-1, a laboratory method for measuringand evaluating the effectiveness of the seat suspension in reducing the vertical wholebody vibrationtransmitted to the operator of industrial trucks at frequencies between 1 Hz and 20 Hz.1.3 This European Standard defines the input spectral classes required for the following industrial trucks.Each class defines a group of machines having similar vibration characteristics: Platform trucks, trucks rider-controlled, etc. with wheel mean diameter below 200 mm and highload nonrubbersolid tyres (category 1) Reach trucks, articulated trucks, etc. with wheel mean diameter below 450 mm and high-load non-rubbersolid tyres or cylindrical/conical base rubber solid tyres (category 2) Straddle trucks, trucks with wheel mean diameter below 645 mm and rubber solid or pneumatic tyres(category 3) Straddle trucks, trucks with wheel mean diameter between 645 mm and 900 mm and rubber solid orpneumatic tyres (category 4a) Straddle trucks, trucks with wheel mean diameter between 900 mm and 1 200 mm and rubber solid orpneumatic tyres (category 4b) Trucks with wheel mean diameter between 1 200 mm and 2 000 mm and rubber solid or pneumatic tyres(category 5)BS EN 13490:2001+A1:2008Licensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/EXCHANGE CHINA STANDARDS, 09/07/2009 03:17, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI All-terrain trucks (category 6)1.4 This European Standard specifies performance criteria to be achieved by seats intended for each of theabove-mentioned groups of machines.1.5 The tests and criteria defined in this European Standard are intended for operator seats used inindustrial trucks of conventional design.NOTE Other tests may be appropriate for machines with design features that result in significantly different vibrationcharacteristics.1.6 This European Standard is only concerned with the vertical component of whole-body vibration.Vibration which reaches the operator other than through his seat, for example that sensed by his feet on theplatform or control pedals or by his hands on the steering-wheel, is not covered.






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