ISO/IEC TR 21000-1-2004 信息技术.多媒体框架(MPEG-21).第1部分:展望、技术和策略

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标准号:ISO/IEC TR 21000-1-2004
英文标准名称:Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 1: Vision, Technologies and Strategy
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 IntroductionMPEG-21 will provide an over-arching framework within which many elements of multimedia are broughttogether. In particular, coded representations of content will be juxtaposed with metadata descriptors and theIntellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) protection that apply to the content. This leads to arequirement for tools that can create and maintain (e.g. detect or extract) an association between content,metadata and IPMP elements within MPEG-21. Tools based on the techniques known as “watermarking” and“fingerprinting” offer a means to form associations between multimedia elements and the related information,where that association can be directly embedded within or inferred from the content itself. Furthermore, toolsbased on watermarking and fingerprinting allow such inferences to persist in the face of adaptation of thecontent. Such tools are termed Persistent Association Technologies (PAT) and within MPEG-21 there is aneed to assess and evaluate these tools. This report sets out a process and plan for evaluating PAT. It doesnot provide information on how to normatively interpret results of tests conducted in accordance with thisTechnical Report as the selection of a set of specific evaluation procedures depends on the applicationscenario.This Technical Report focuses on the evaluation of two classes of technology: watermarks and fingerprints(see Definitions in Subclause 2.1) when applied to Audio content.It is expected that the scope of this Technical Report will be enhanced in future to cover other media typesincluding video, still pictures and text.This Technical Report describes evaluation methodologies for only some of the characteristics of thesetechnologies. In particular, it does not attempt to define methodologies for evaluating the resistance of thesetechnologies to deliberate attack on the association. Further detail is contained in Clause 7.1.2 Background to ISO/IEC TR 21000-11Recognising that the standardisation of Persistent Association Technologies (PAT) is not currently thought tobe viable in the context of MPEG-21 and the wider international standardisation community, ISO/IECJTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) examined options which would allow it to assist the adoption of PAT by industry.A call for Requirements on PAT was issued and generated numerous responses. The analysis of theseresponses has allowed WG11 to understand the characteristics of PAT that may be required. This analysisalso showed both a need and a possibility to establish a consensus approach to the Evaluation of suchtechnologies which would be useful in selecting appropriate technologies for particular applications.1.3 Organisation of the DocumentISO/IEC 21000-11 contains nine clauses. Clauses 1 and 2 set out the scope of this Technical Report, providedefinition for terms and a list of abbreviations used and not used.Clause 3 then familiarises the reader four different persistent association technology paradigms by providing areference architecture for each of the discussed PAT paradigms1). Clauses 4 and 5 contain short use casescenarios for how to use Persistent Association Technologies, and how to evaluate such technologies.Clause 6 then lists the seven characteristic parameters of PAT that can be used to evaluate such technologies.Before the main discussion on the evaluation methodology is discussed in Clause 8, Clause 7 contains adiscussion on issues such as security and malicious attacks.






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