BS EN 14233-2002 与食品接触的材料和器具.塑料.为了选择渗移测试的适当温度,在微波炉或传统炉加热过程中塑料和食品接触面塑料材料和器具温度的测定
百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:BS EN 14233-2002
英文标准名称:Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Determination of temperature of plastics materials and articles at the plastics/food interface during microwave and conventional oven heating in order to select the appropriate temperature for
发布日期:2002/10/17 12:00:00
实施日期:2002/10/17 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard specifies methods to measure the temperature reached by plastics materials and articlesin contact with foodstuffs during microwave heating and conventional oven heating in order to select theappropriate temperature for migration testing.It is applicable to all plastics materials and articles for which the food(s) with which they can come into contactunder worst foreseeable conditions of use is/are known. This includes pre-packaged foods such as ready mealswhich will be heated in the packaging, and for foods which need some pre-preparation but which include thecooking container in the pack, e.g. cake mixes. The method is also suitable for plastics materials and articles to beused for preparing foods in the home or for use in commercial food preparation where the article is supplied as astand-alone item, i.e. not containing or not including food at the point of sale.NOTE Although the method has been developed for plastics materials and articles, it is also applicable to other packagingmaterials including paper and board, rubber and elastomers, ceramics, glass etc. Temperature measurements usingconventional oven heating are suitable for metal materials but these items should generally not be heated in microwave ovensdue to possible problems with arcing.
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