BS EN 1186-10-2002 与食品接触的材料和器具.塑料.进入橄榄油中全渗移析出量的试验方法(橄榄油不完全萃取时用的改进方法)

百检网 2021-08-02
标准号:BS EN 1186-10-2002
英文标准名称:Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into olive oil (modified method for use in cases where incomplete extraction of olive oil occurs)
发布日期:2002/10/14 12:00:00
实施日期:2002/10/14 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard specifies test methods for the determination of the overall migration into fatty foodsimulants from plastics materials and articles, by total immersion of test specimens in a fatty food simulant at anytemperatures above 5 °C up to and including 175 °C for selected times.When some plastics are tested by the methods in EN 1186-2, EN 1186-4, EN 1186-6, EN 1186-8, prEN 1186-12and EN 1186-13, the soxhlet extraction process does not achieve complete recovery of the absorbed olive oil fromthe test specimens. In this method, the olive oil is released from the plastics test specimens by dissolving them inchloroform, toluene, xylene or tetrahydrofuran.This method is suitable for plastics when exposure to olive oil is by total immersion as described in EN 1186-2, in acell, as described in EN 1186-4, in a pouch, as described in EN 1186-6, and by filling, as described in EN 1186-8and to tests carried out at low and high temperature, as described in prEN 1186-12 and EN 1186-13.This is provided the plastics are soluble in chloroform, toluene, xylene or tetrahydrofuran and insoluble in methanoland that whenever prEN 1186-2 is referred to in this method the appropriate clause of the relevant part of EN 1186is substituted.The method can also be suitable for plastics which are only partially soluble in chloroform, toluene, xylene ortetrahydrofuran and insoluble in methanol.NOTE 1 This test method has been written for use with the fatty food simulant, olive oil. The test method can also be usedwith appropriate modifications with 'other fatty food simulants' called simulant D - a synthetic mixture of triglycerides, sunfloweroil and corn oil. These other fatty food simulants will produce different chromatograms for the simulant methyl esters to those ofthe methyl esters of olive oil. Select suitable chromatogram peaks of the methyl esters of the other fatty food simulants for thequantitative determination of the simulant extracted from the test specimens.NOTE 2 If it has been established that the overall migration into olive oil from the plastics cannot be determined by use ofeither this method or the methods described in EN 1186-2, EN 1186-4, EN 1186-6 and EN 1186-8 then the use of substitutetests should be considered, see clause 6 of EN 1186-1:2001.






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