DIN EN ISO 4871-2009 声学.机器和设备噪声发射值的标示和验证(ISO 4871:1996),德文版本 EN ISO 4871:2009

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:DIN EN ISO 4871-2009
中文标准名称:声学.机器和设备噪声发射值的标示和验证(ISO 4871:1996),德文版本 EN ISO 4871:2009
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment (ISO 4871:1996); English version of DIN EN ISO 4871:2009-11
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 3740-1980;ISO 3741;ISO 3743-1-1994;ISO 3743-2-1994;ISO 3744-1994;ISO 3745-1977;ISO 3746-1995;ISO 3747-1987;ISO 7574-1-1985;ISO 7574-2-1985;ISO 7574-4-1985;ISO 9614-1-1993;ISO 9614-2-1996;ISO 11200-1995;ISO 11201-1995;ISO 11202-1995;ISO 11203-1995;ISO
适用范围:This International Standard--gives information on the declaration of noise emission values,-- describes acoustical and product information to be presented in technical documents for the pur- poses of noise emission declaration, and-- specifies a method for verifying the noise emission declarationIt is applicable to machinery and equipment.The values to be used for the purposes of noiseemission declaration are either declared single-number noise emission values, Ld, or declared dual-number noise emission values, L and K.L is a noiseemission value determined directly from measurements and K is the uncertainty associated with thosemeasurements. Ld is the sum of L and K and rep-resents an upper limit which values from repeatedmeasurements are unlikely to exceed at a given con-fidence level; Lc corresponds to the stated or labelledvalue Lc, defined in ISO 7574-1.The two forms of noise declaration are alternativemeans of representing any or all of the A-weightedsound sower level, LwA, the A-weighted emissionsound pressure level at specified positions, Lpa, andthe C-weighted peak emission sound pressure levelat specified positions, LpC peak. The choice as to whichof the two forms is used in a particular case dependsupon the requirements to be fulfilled. This selectionis mace, and guidance on the values of K is given, inthe appropriate noise test codeGuidelines for determining declared noise emissionvalues are given in annex A






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